About the protection of personal privacy information
In order to provide you with services, customer help, and to provide you and other users with more targeted and better services, Match2U needs to collect your personal information in the service process.
Through our privacy policy, we want to show you how we collect, use, store, share, and transfer this information as you use our services, and we provide you with access, update, delete and protect this information, if you need to contact customer service for information update or delete. Before using the service, please read the following carefully and agree to allow Match2U to collect, store, and use this information as appropriate. Match2U will not use your private information for any other purpose.
This privacy policy will help you understand the following:
1.How We collect and use your personal information
2.How We Share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information
3.How we use cookies and similar techniques
4.Directory of Third Party SDK service providers
5.Protection of personal information of minors
6.How we updated this privacy policy
7.How to contact us
一、How We collect and use your personal information
(一)How We collect your information
1.In the process of using Match2U service, you need to fill in or submit some necessary information, Match2U will be based on your consent and the need to provide the service, collect your real name, gender, mobile phone number, mobile device identification number, detailed address, so that engineers can contact you.
2.Respect and protection of your personal privacy information is Match2U's consistent system, Match2U will take technical measures and other necessary measures to ensure your personal privacy security, to prevent the collection of your personal privacy information in this service leakage, damage or loss.
3.We will correlate the information we gather from your various devices so that we can provide consistent service to you on those devices.
4.We obtain account information (avatars, nicknames) from third parties that you are authorized to share in order to display it directly in the Match2U personal information interface, after you agree to this privacy policy, you will bind your third-party account to your Match2U account so that you can log in and use our service directly from your third-party account. We will use your personal information in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations after verification of the legality of the source of personal information in accordance with the agreement with third parties. This app includes Starscream.framework, and uses sockets to establish long connections with other players in multiplayer games.
Common equipment information.
Collection: SDK/API/JS code version, browser, ISP, IP, IP address, platform, Timestamp, Software Installation List, application identifier, MAC, device MAC address, sIM serial number, equipment model, equipment serial number, operating System version, WIFI, Bluetooth, and device unique identifier (such as androidId/IDFA/GUID/Mac/IMEI/IMSI) . Purpose: when you visit or re-visit the Match2U service, we can identify you and provide you with better and more services by analyzing the data
Log out of your account
If you do not need our Match2U services can call customer service for an account cancellation, customer service in the background for your operation, account cancellation within seven working days customer service operation finished. The following situations require your attention
1.After the account is deactivated, the phone number will not be able to use Match2U's service
2.The account's coupons will be completely wiped out and can not be restored
(二)How we use your personal information
To collect your information we are mainly in order to better provide you with better services and improve the quality of service, we strictly abide by the provisions of laws and regulations and the agreement with you, Match2U will only use your personal information for the purposes of providing the service using the information below
1.Evaluate and improve the effectiveness of our advertising and other promotional and promotional activities
2.Management software. For example, software certification, software upgrades.
3.Match2U sends you timely notifications of any changes to the service terms of this agreement, such as personal service information, order processing, etc.
4.Match2U internal data research, analysis and research to improve Match2U products, services and user experience;
5.When you use Match2U product services, we collect your storage information for product services and contacts. If you use the wechat associated login Match2U APP, we will collect your wechat id, Avatar, nickname, to save your login information, so that you can use different devices when you log in to synchronize your data.
6.Other uses approved by you.
7.Other circumstances as prescribed by applicable laws and regulations.
To secure our services and help us better understand how our applications are working, we record relevant information, such as, how often you use the application, failure information, overall usage, performance data, and the source of the application. We do not combine the information we store in our analytics software with the personal identity information you provide in your application.
When we want to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this privacy policy, or when information collected for a specific purpose is used for other purposes, your consent will be sought in advance by checking your box.
Apply a privacy permission statement
1.Allows applications to obtain location information based on network sources such as GPS, base stations, and Wi-Fi. This may increase the power consumption, the user enters the address to locate their current location
2.Allows applications to access photos, media content, and files on the device used to upload photos/videos, and users to submit certificates upon application
二、How We Share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information
Match2U will not disclose your personal information to any third-party platform without your consent. Except in the following specific cases:
1.Match2U does not voluntarily disclose your personal information outside of laws, regulations, legal procedures, lawsuits, or mandatory requirements from government authorities. If there are other circumstances requiring public disclosure of personal information, Match2U will seek your express consent.
2.You will inform others or share personal privacy with others, resulting in any personal privacy disclosure, or non-Match2U reasons for personal privacy disclosure;
3.Hackers, computer viruses, and other force majeure events cause your personal information to be compromised.
We will share your order information, account information, equipment information and location information with the third party partners to ensure the smooth completion of the services provided for you. But we will only share your personal information for legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific, clear purposes, and only share the personal information necessary to provide the service. Our partners have no right to use the personal information they share for any other purpose.
Match2U does not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual, except:
1.We will not transfer your personal information to any other party until your consent has been confirmed
2.According to the applicable laws and regulations, the requirements of legal procedures, mandatory administrative or judicial requirements to provide the necessary information
3.When Match2U is involved in mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers, or similar transactions, such as the transfer of personal information, we will require that new companies and organizations that hold your personal information continue to be subject to this privacy policy, otherwise, we will ask the company and organization to seek your authorization again.
(三)Public disclosure
1.With your consent, we will publicly disclose your personal information
2.In the event that you are found to have violated the law or the rules of Match2U-related agreements, according to the requirements of laws and regulations, we disclose your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations or Match2U-related agreement rules with your consent.
三、Protection of minors
1.We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the state. If you are a minor, we suggest that you ask your parents or guardians to read this privacy policy carefully, and use our services or provide us with information with the consent of your parents or guardians.
2.In cases where personal information about minors is collected with the consent of parents or guardians to use our products or services, we will only collect personal information about minors as permitted by law and regulations, the use of the personal information of a minor by his or her parents or guardians is expressly agreed upon or necessary for the protection of the minor.
四、This privacy policy is updated
As Match2U's business evolves, this privacy policy will be updated to provide you with better services. We will remind you of the updates by posting them on the Match2U website and on Match2U Mobile, and by posting them on our website or by other appropriate means before they take effect, if you continue to use any of our services or visit our relevant websites after changes or changes in your privacy policy, we believe this means that you have read, understood and accepted the revised privacy policy and are bound by it.
五、How to contact us
1、If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding this privacy policy or your personal information, please email shijiediyi6666@163. Com. Com and other ways to contact us. We will reply to your request within a reasonable time.
2、If you are not satisfied with our reply, especially if our handling of personal information has harmed your legitimate rights and interests, you can also lodge a complaint or report to the regulatory departments of Internet, telecommunications, public security, industry and commerce.
3、Address: Nanshan Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City
4、This agreement shall come into force on January 22,2024